Personal Personnel Management - Professional Adaptation Features. Professional adaptation of a specialist under professional adaptation usually understand

Professional adaptation - this is a process of human entry into the profession and harmonization of its interactions with a professional environment and activities.

The originality of the professional adaptation of a specialist is associated with the circumstances of an external and internal nature.

External circumstances, factors affecting the process of professional adaptation of a specialist include:

  • a) features of the content, goals, organizations used, the technologies of professional activities;
  • b) the originality of social and other conditions in which professional activities are carried out;
  • c) the established systems of informal, psychological connections and relations of employees in the organization.

All this creates the specifics of the subject areas, the spheres of professional adaptation of a specialist.

Internal the circumstances of the professional adaptation of a specialist is the level of its adaptation potential, the degree of development of adaptability as the quality of personality and the body, the adequacy of the motivation of professional activities to the requirements of this activity.

The basic, defining role in the professional adaptation of a specialist is played by external circumstances, subject areas, the spheres of professional adaptation of a person. It is they who act as a kind of professional field that comes, a young (and not only) specialist falls.

Professional adaptation of a specialist is carried out in the following main subject areas of its professional interaction with the environment:

  • - vocational activity: adaptation to professional activities (its content, goals, means, implementation technologies, regime and activity intensity);
  • - organizational and regulatory: adaptation to the requirements of industrial, labor discipline, organizational standards, rules, etc.;
  • - social and professional: adaptation to professional-role social functions, socio-professional status (teacher, doctor, military personnel, lawyer, engineer), etc.;
  • - socially psychological: adaptation to socio-psychological roles, unwritten, informal standards, rules, values, relations, etc. in the labor collective, organization;
  • - social in the broad sense of the word: adaptation to those social circumstances in which professional activities of a specialist are a socio-political, ethnic, legal, religious and other environment.

Each of these subject areas of professional adaptation of a specialist involves the presence of a certain level of its preparedness, adaptation potential. When adapting the personality in certain subject areas, various trends dominate.

Thus, adaptation to organizational and regulatory and professional-acting circumstances is primarily carried out as a process of mastering their requirements. This is due to the fact that these subject areas of professional adaptation are not subject to correction and adaptation to them mainly occurs as an adaptation, mastering them.

The success or failure of the adaptation of a young specialist in these areas is relatively autonomous. At the same time, these processes are interrelated, especially in such areas as a professional and socio-psychological professionally. The features of the socio-psychological adaptation of a specialist significantly affect the success of the vocational activity and as a whole professional adaptation of a specialist. However, the leading role in the professional adaptation of young professionals is played by the success of their vocational actuatorial adaptation. And therefore, the difficulties, contradictions arising from a specialist in this area and in the field of informal relations of relations, are the source of its activity to implement the process of professional adaptation. Consequently, the preparation of a modern specialist emphasis should be on the formation of professional and psychological readiness for professional activities. This does not diminish the roles, the meaning of its preparation in the organizational-regulatory, socio-professional and social in the broad sense of the word relationship.

Professional adaptation of a young specialist is a permanent running process that has its own dynamics, meaningful and other features. Its success depends on many circumstances, among which the leading role is played:

  • 1) the presence of the specialist of the necessary internal prerequisites: appropriate preparedness, sufficient level of adaptability, motivation of professional activities, clear ideas about the content and conditions of this activity;
  • 2) special attention of the specialist, managers and labor collective as a whole to the process of professional adaptation;
  • 3) the implementation of the adaptation process, taking into account the peculiarities of a specialist, patterns, both the very process itself and the development of the social environment;
  • 4) Special psychological support for this process, based on the forecast of its characteristics and the specialist of the necessary psychological assistance.

It is quite obvious that these conditions are interconnected from the position of the systematic approach and manifest themselves in the main subject areas of the professional adaptation of a young specialist: organizational and regulatory, professional-activity, as well as in the spheres of social and psychological role relations.

The success of the professional adaptation of a young specialist primarily depends on his personal and other psychological features.

One of these features is the compliance of the submission of a specialist on living conditions and activities in the exercise of professional activities.

In other words, adequacy of the image professional activities contribute to more successful adaptation, and vice versa, the inconsistency of the ideas and expectations of a person about the real conditions of its upcoming livelihoods makes it psychologically unprepared to a meeting with unexpected difficulties, to implement the process of psychological adaptation. Although the complete adequacy of expectations and reality is usually unable to form a specialist.

The study showed that the overwhelming majority of young professionals their ideas and expectations do not coincide with what they met in real life after the end of the university. And therefore, in their professional adaptation, they face large obstacles. In this regard, one of the root problems of training specialists is the formation of students from the right ideas about their profession, adequate to their capabilities and conditions of expectations.

An important individual personality parameter that influences the adaptation process is the level and nature. self-esteem as a complex systemic mental education personality. Self-esteem personality by level development can be high, medium and low, which characterizes the level of personality development, both in general and its individual spheres, structures, qualities. Wherein the nature each of these self-esteem may be overpriced, adequate or understated. This characterizes the ability of the personality to reflection in a system of certain circumstances. The level of self-assessment of the personality mainly affects its activity, and the nature of self-assessment is to the stability and dynamics of behavior and actions of the personality, on the style of its interaction with the environment, to the degree of self-confidence in itself.

An extremely large role in the success of professional adaptation plays self-regulation of personality his mental states and behavior.

Professional adaptation of a young specialist is a permanent process of overcoming the internal and external difficulties, obstacles. This creates certain stressful states, overcoming and preventing additional effort and special preparedness. In addition, successful adaptation is impossible without constant self-education and self-education of a specialist. All this assumes the presence of self-regulation skills, sufficient volitional preparedness in a young specialist. P. A. Sleisksky rightly believed that one of the difficulties of personality adaptation is "... the non-formation of self-regulation of behavior and activity that is caused by insufficient preparedness, the weakness of the will, the inability to be self-organization, to manage, to carry out their behavior, inevitution Organized personal life and leisure. "

The success of the professional adaptation of young specialists has the originality of their individually psychological and psychological features. The leading role in this is played by the system of valuables of the personality of a specialist, defining its orientation and attitudes towards himself, to employees and managers, chosen profession, to their official duties. And it is quite obvious that these relationships may be both positive and negative. On the characteristics of the adaptive behavior of the personality, the presence of so-called dezadapive complexes has the existence.

When a person enters the profession is inevitable professional adaptation, in order for its interaction with the working medium, harmonious. Features of adaptation are associated with internal factors, and with external.

External circumstances are:

  • the organization itself, its goals, content;
  • technologies used in work;
  • social conditions where labor activities are underway;
  • informal psychological ties between team members.

Internal circumstances are the level of adaptive potential of the new employee, how developed by its adaptive quality, the adequacy of the motivation of professional activity and the requirements for labor results.

Subjects of adaptation

The main in the professional adaptation of a specialist is an external circumstance. This is a professional field on which a new worker falls. The person must adapt in the following subject areas:

  • professional activity, adaptation to professional activities: a substantive component, work facilities, regime, intensity of activity;
  • organizational and regulatory, adaptation to the requirements, norms, rules;
  • socio-professional, adaptation to production functions, professional status;
  • socio-psychological, adaptation to psychological roles, informal standards, relations in the team;
  • social, adaptation is taken to the social conditions in which labor activity will occur. The person adapts to the socio-political, ethnic, legal, religious environment.

Each subject area involves a certain level of adaptation potential. Moreover, when adapting in a particular area can dominate the specific side of the person's preparedness. Adaptation to organizational and legal and professional-acting circumstances is the process of mastering the requirements that are not subject to correction. These requirements for the adaptation of a young specialist must be accepted and mastering them.

Successful adaptation

The success of professional adaptation in one or another sphere is offline. However, all processes have a close relationship. Socio - psychological adaptation is difficult in that it directly affects professional activities. Difficulties in relationships, conflicting situations affect the activity of labor activity, and, accordingly, the success of professional adaptation.

Note 1.

Therefore, in the preparation of personnel, a psychological component of readiness for professional activity should be taken into account.

Professional adaptation is a continuous process that is ongoing for a while. It has its own dynamics and other indicators. The success of adaptation depends largely on the presence of internal prerequisites of a person: the degree of preparedness, the level of adaptability, personal characteristics, as far as professional activity is reasoned, how clear is a person's ideas about the content and conditions of this activity. Specialist himself, his leaders, the labor collective should pay special attention to the process of adapting a new employee. Adaptation takes place in different ways, it is necessary to take into account the features of the employee, patterns, both the process of adaptation and the social environment. It is necessary to ensure the process of psychological accompaniment.

The role of personality features in the process of adaptation

One of these features is the conformity of the ideas of a young specialist about the conditions of professional activity.

Example 1.

A person should adequately represent the image of the professional sphere in which he will have to work. If presentations and expectations do not correspond to real conditions, a person becomes psychologically unprepared for a meeting with problem situations and difficulties that have arisen in the process of work. The implementation of psychological adaptation will be much more complicated. Although the complete adequacy of expectations and reality is rare.

Research suggests that most of the young specialists of their ideas and expectations do not coincide with real reality. There are big obstacles in professional adaptation. In the preparation of specialists, an important problem is the formation of students' proper expectations.

Another individual personality characteristic is self-esteem. This parameter significantly affects the adaptation process. Self-esteem - complex systemic mental education personality. In terms of development, it can be high, medium and low. In the nature, each of these self-esteem may be overestimated, adequate and understated. Here the level of personality ability to reflect in the system of proposed circumstances is estimated. The level of self-esteem affects the activity of the personality, the nature of self-assessment is to behavior, the style of interaction with the social environment, to the degree of self-confidence.

The success of professional adaptation largely depends on the self-regulation of the mental state of the individual. During the adaptation period, the young specialist overcomes the difficulties of the external and internal plan, which entail stressful situations. Without self-education and self-education of the employee, the adaptation process is practically impossible. This requires the skills of self-regulation and volitional preparedness. Researcher P.A. Pressetsky argued that one of the difficulties of personality adaptation is that the function of self-regulating behavior is not formed due to insufficient preparation, weak volitional qualities, inability to organize themselves, control their actions and actions, in the inability to perform the established regime, organize life and leisure.

The success of the adaptation period depends on the originality of individual and psychological and psychotypical features. The main thing here is the identity system of the young specialist, which determines his attitude towards himself, to others, to the leadership, to the profession, which is chosen, to their professional duties. This relationship can be worn both positive and negative. The process of adaptation may affect the person of deadapee complexes.

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Any profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated.

Bernard Show

An important role in the establishment of a career of a new employee in the organization plays the process of adaptation, the period of the employee's adaptation to the new workplace, the labor collective, the organization as a whole.

Professional adaptation - This is a management process aimed at introducing new employees to their new tasks in a new workplace.

Errors associated with the adaptation of the employee at a new job place can be divided into two types: behavioral and functional. Behavioral depending on the person himself, its upbringing and culture. To them, for example, can be attributed:

Overestimated expectations and claims;

Reluctance to understand and accept corporate culture of the company;

Inability to wait, the tendency to make premature conclusions;

Non-profitability, unwillingness to take responsibility, etc.

Functional errors are associated with the professional qualities of the new employee, but often they are committed by the fault of the organization.

Functional errors include:

Formalism or hasty adaptation programs;

Underestimation of the role and values \u200b\u200bof adaptation for the development of personnel of the organization;

Inattention to new employees, especially to their psychological adaptation to the new labor team;

Showing adaptation tasks on linear managers loaded by current manufacturing activities.

Highlight two directions of professional adaptation:

1) primary - the orientation of young employees who do not have experience of professional activities (for example, graduates of educational institutions);

2) Secondary - adaptation to the organization of workers changing the object of their work activity or professional role.

The principal objectives of adaptation at any enterprise can be reduced to the following.

1. Reducing start costs. A new employee does not know his work and how the company is functioning. This means that as long as it works less efficiently than experienced staff, it requires additional costs. Effective orientation reduces the starting costs and makes it possible to achieve general standards with a new employee.

2. Reducing the experienced concerns and uncertainty experienced. Concern here means fear of failures in work. This is a normal fear of new, unknown, combined with insufficient ability to work confidently and efficiently.

3. Reduction of frame flow. If workers feel inept and unwanted, they can respond to it from work. The fluidity is high just during the period of change, so effective orientation is intended to reduce this expensive reaction.

4. Saving time of direct supervisor and employees. Incorrectly oriented worker still has to do its work, but requires help. Usually, people who should provide this assistance are employees and direct managers who spend their time. Good orientation programs help save the time of each of them.

5. Development of a positive attitude to work, realism in expectations and satisfaction with work. New workers should reasonably and realistically treat the study of what the enterprise is waiting for them, and their own hopes should not be too big, nor too small.

It is also distinguished by professional, social and psychological adaptation.

Professional adaptation includes the development of the profession, its specificity, the acquisition of new employees of labor skills, techniques, technologies necessary for effective activities in this organization. For these purposes, lectures, trainings, business games are held in the first weeks of the trial period.

Social adaptation is aimed at meeting the new employee with the organization as a social system: its history, personnel and social policy, the system of domestic and external communications, internal regulations, corporate culture of the company, its goals and values.

Psychological adaptation is aimed at incorporating a new employee into the collective interpersonal system. The factors of psychological adaptation are the moral climate of the labor collective, the style of leadership, traditions and norms of relations between employees.

The period of professional and social adaptation includes several stages, the duration of which can be varied and depends on a number of factors:

Familiarization with the organization (from one month to three);

Device, i.e. gradual addiction, assimilation of norms and stereotypes of labor and social behavior in the organization, compatibility with colleagues (as a rule, up to one year);

Identification, i.e. Full adaptation of the employee to the environment of the organization and gradually its integration into the organization, when personal goals are identified with the organizational.

Thus, the process of adapting a new employee in the organization is completed when the employee not only joined the labor process, but also learned and accepted the value corporate orientations, business and personal relationships in it. Adaptation programs can be formalized (training in personnel service, mentoring, instruction in the workplace, familiarization with corporate documents, etc.) and informalized (communication, counseling in the workplace, observation, etc.).

Typical in this regard is the program of adaptation of employees on the American company "Texas tools". The feeling of the discomfort of new women cleaners was caused by consciousness that they should achieve the same level of skill, which surrounding their experienced workers. For a long time, they did not understand the instructions of the head, but they were afraid to ask questions and seem stupid. Sometimes their questions were accompanied by ridicule.

The orientation program was tried on a firm in two versions. The newcomer control group was proposed a traditional vocational guidance program: a typical two-hour briefing in the personnel management department. It included the themes affected in such cases, and the description of the minimum requirements for work. Then newcomers were presented to the head who gave them introductory information about the work.

The experimental group received the same two-hour program and a six-hour social orientation program. It emphasized four points.

1. The group participants said that they had good opportunities to achieve the goal, and the facts were presented that 99% of employees reaches the standards required by the Company; It was shown what time it is necessary to achieve various skill levels. It has been repeatedly emphasized that everything in the group will be fine.

2. They were advised not to pay attention to "conversations" and warned about ordinary jokes. It was proposed to perceive them with humor and ignore.

3. It was said that the new one should be studied. They explained that the leaders are too busy to ask a new employee whether he needs in power. They will be happy to help, but the worker himself must ask about it, and at the same time he will not seem stupid at all.

4. They were presented more "live" data on the head. It was described with important details: what he loves, what is his hobby, whether he is demanding, calm or not, etc.

Such career guidance had positive consequences. The experimental group turned out to be 50% less than delays and absenteeism, the marriage was reduced by 80%, the cost decreased by 15-30%, the study time was 50%, and the cost of training is about 66%.

The progressive idea was used by Hewlett-Paccard. Orientation here conducted employees of the company who retired. The result was wonderful.

In recent years, such a form of adaptation as mentoring has been widespread in organizations. In the time of the USSR, the movement movement was attached great importance - the mentor was prestigious and honorable.

Today, when choosing mentors, they are guided by such personal qualities as:

High professionalism;

Communication, goodwill;

The desire to transfer their experience and knowledge, agree to be a mentor;

Love on business and loyalty to your organization.

In some companies, the best mentors will be presented for working with new employees, but many examples when mentoring becomes the need of people to transfer their experience, helping new employees to join the team.

Psychological essence of professional adaptation. Features of professional adaptation. Adaptability. Dezadaption. Types of adaptation.

In 1968, the Hero of the Soviet Union, the Honored Test pilot, Georgy Timofeevich Coastal flew into space on the Soyuz-3 ship. The TASS report reported that the main goal was rapprochement in orbit with the unmanned ship Soyuz-2. On the first cosmic twist, after the launch, he had the most "rapprochement". No wonder in his book "Attack angle" He talks about such a psychological phenomenon as "adaptation".

V.A. Shatalov: "The physical feeling is that blood sticks all the time to the head, as if you pop up somewhere. And it seems that you need to stay all the time for something not to emerge. "

T. Dobrovolsky: "... my head as if someone wants to pull out of the neck. The tension of the chin muscles is felt, weighting of the head in the upper part, it seems that the insides are drawn behind the head. The stomach as it would suck up. "

A.G. Nikolaev and V.I. Sevastyanov were in space for 18 days. They felt the dullness of taste and smell. The size and volume of the heart have both decreased by 10%, and weight loss was 3 kg (mainly due to muscles). After return, they could not walk and sit. And the first days on the ground they spent in the bathroom with water. Reverse adaptation lasted almost a year!

The term "adaptation" was originally proposed by biologists. Adaptation (from Lat. Adaptatio - adaptation) - biological adaptation of the structure and functions of the body, its organs and cells to the conditions of the medium. For example, in the conditions of the Cold North, animals increase the growth of wool.

Adaptation is of great importance to many sciences (including physiology, psycho-physiology, labor psychology, sociology, etc.), since its regulatory mechanism increases the body's stability to temperature drops, pressure, lack of oxygen, illumination, and the like.

Adaptationit is understood as the process of adaptation and, as its result, the state of the adaptation of a person to new factors of the medium.

Adaptability- This is the ability of an individual or system to modify itself or its environment in the occurrence of unfavorable changes in order to at least partially replenishing the loss of performance. The individual may be either in the adaptation state or dezadapotation.

Dezadapistrationclosely related to somatic (the connection of the soul and body) and flows in the following forms:

Neurotic (neurosis);

Aggressive protest (or opposite its opposite - capitulative-depressive).

In nature, the adaptability of a person is ensured by the evolutionary selected expedient and congenital characteristics of his nature (Perch OG).

Instincts: self-preservation, continuation of the genus, altruistic, research, domination, freedom, preservation of dignity. One of them always prevails what is manifested in seven primary personality profiles (in seven congenital orientations).

These instincts (except altruistic) are grouped into diaps:

1) Diabe self-preservation + continuation of the kind is basic and provides individuals and species (kind);

2) research dyase + freedom provides primary specialization;

3) Diabe dominance + preservation of dignity ensures self-affirmation, individual self-preservation in a psychosocial aspect.

All together, these 3 Diases ensure adaptation of a person in real life.

Altruistic instinct socializes the egocentric essence of instincts of all three dies.

Temperament (more precisely, the type of LD) is the most common, congenital styles of devices that are inextricably associated with human instincts. The dominant instinct generates the dominant fundamental installation. It, along with installations arising from temperament, determines the initial, congenital direction of the person, its individuality, as well as the adaptation style.

So, choleric With their domination instincts, research and preservation of dignity tend to be warriors, pioneers, leaders.

Sanguini.risk oriented, rapid results, freedom of action and tend to show themselves in the field of business and service sector.

Phlegmatic- As life workers (by Pavlov), "Pahari", tend to realize themselves in construction, the creation of a new one.

Melancholic With their increased sensitivity, they can become tastors, controllers in laboratories.

There is a winged phrase: "Sanguinics are involved in the war, the cholerics are fighting, and phlegptics restore the destroyed."

Constitution(Type of physique) highlights asthenics, hyperstics and normostic.

ASTENIKInarrowbandes, clovers, high or medium height.

Hyperstics - broadcasters, broadgings, small or medium height.

Normosticaoccupy the average position. There is a close relationship between the constitution and psychology of the person.

Individual style of emotional perception and response. Known 10 main emotions: interest, joy, surprise, grief, suffering, anger, disgust, contempt, shame, fear, wines (repentance).

A large influence on the nature and speed of adaptation has intelligence, moral orientation qualities, the level of development of mental cognitive processes, etc.

Four possible are known type adaptation.

1.Externally external: An individual or system responds to an external change in the modification of the external environment. For example, a person in hot (external for him) The room includes located outside its air conditioning.

2. Externally internal: Individual or system react to external change in the modification itself. For example, from an externally hot room, a person moves into another, less hot.

3. Internal external:individual or system react to the internal change in the modification of the external environment. For example, a person who has the inner trembling from the cold, includes external heating.

4. Internal-inner: Individual or system react to the internal change in the modification itself. For example, a person who has the inner trembling from the cold began, begins to intensively engage in freezing or conducts a course of appropriate treatment.

Particularly consider adaptation to stressful conditions. Stress (From English Stress - Pressure, pressure, voltage) - the state of mental tension that occurs in a person in difficult, dangerous life situations when solving responsible tasks. This concept introduced the physiologist Hans Selre.

In the development of stress, three stages are observed:

1. Anxiety(The body is rebuilt, adapts to difficult conditions), which lasts from several hours to 2 days.

2. Stage of resistance (resistance) - the body's stability to different effects is increased, the state by the end of the second stage can normalize.

3. Exhaustion or stabilization (Depending on the possibility of the body, adapt to the stressful factor) - in the event of an inability of the body to continue external influences, severe disruptions of health and health may occur.

The most typical for the appearance of stress is the factors of conflict, dangerous or long work, insulation, adverse physical environment.

When stressing in humans there is a so-called adaptive syndrome - A combination of common protective (adaptation) reactions of the human body, which arise under the action on it significant for the strength and duration of internal and external stimuli.

The special role of protective mechanisms is to be included only after reaching the strength of the stimulus of a dangerous threshold. So, on the example of suggestion, it is possible to show that only those suggestions that do not threaten the lives of the recipient are implemented. You can slightly reduce, for example, heart rate, skin temperature and other biological manifestations, but only in a very limited range.

This can be demonstrated on the example extrasensory effects Juna Davitashvili: Only objects (arms) with a temperature close to the body temperature have a healing effect. If you get closer to the skin of a person, the healing effect will not be. On the contrary, a protective reaction will be observed in the form of an increased sweating (you can compare the situation with an increased sweating on a hot day).

Besides biological adaptation Usually consider such types such as psychological, physiological, social, production, etc.

Psychological Adaptation - This is a change in the sensitivity of analyzers (hearing, vision, etc.), its adaptation to the intensity of the current stimulus or a change in person as a whole in accordance with permanent irritants.

If these stimuli are related to the production sector of human activity in the enterprise, then they are talking about production adaptation.

Employee's production adaptation has two sides:

1) the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and skills and adaptation to working conditions ( professional adaptation);

2) the entry of the individual in this production team (system of official and informal roles) as a new social environment as a full member, a change in the lifestyle of a personality ( social adaptation). For example, it is difficult to immediately effectively fulfill the role of the head. Similarly, the boss is difficult to get used to the role of subordinate in the same team when changing the social role.

Social adaptation accompanies a person almost all his life from kindergarten to an informal group of pensioners. Professional adaptation It begins from the moment of development of the first in the life of the profession and includes initial theoretical training for production training, familiarization with the technical educational institution, with training workshops, with a basic enterprise, etc.

In a wide sense, the adaptation of young people to professional activity begins in the process of studying in a secondary school and continues when conducting vocational guidance events, choosing a profession, thorough-minded, and in the initial period of work.

Considering the stages of employee entry into production, usually allocate primary and secondary adaptation.

Primary adaptation covers the period of the initial inclusion of the individual (for the first time in life) in the activities of the production team, and secondary- All subsequent changes in work and profession (transition to a new job, changing the profile of the enterprise, moving to another city, etc.).

The primary adaptation includes the adaptation of young professionals, understood as the socio-psychological process of incorporating a young specialist or worker in the production team.

The main moments of adaptation of the young specialist are the acquisition and consolidation of interest in work, the accumulation of employment experience, the establishment of workers and personal contacts with the team, including in public activities, the emergence of interest not only in personal achievements, but also in the achievements of their team and production as a whole.

Due to the fact that the most important role in the production adaptation is played by primary production adaptation, it needs to pay special attention. This is due to the fact that the secondary production adaptation occurs with a more experienced and knowledgeable person and is easier to implement. The success of the primary production adaptation process depends on the personality characteristics of the person and on the conditions of the medium, from the presence of a mentor.

Features of professional adaptation


To the pace of activity, the power of an irritant, an uncomfortable pose (overcrowded trolleybus: first inconvenient, then you get used to),

Smells (novice dogs feel a dog smell, and experienced - do not notice it),

Monotonia (novice themselves, and experienced - perceive more tolerant),

Hazards, noise, vibrations (work with a jackhammer), dusting (miners), high humidity and other factors play a big role.

Features of visual adaptation.When moving from brightly lit room in the dark, we can count on the complete restoration of the eye sensitivity only after 30-40 minutes. With reverse transition, complete eye adaptation occurs after a few seconds. Since we are not able to change the biological temporal parameters of adaptation to the light, then scientists offered as it were to "deceive" the body. For this, the lights use glasses with red glasses. This is done as follows. Working in the dark, a person adapts to low light. If you need to go on a bright light, it puts on red glasses and works calmly (it can even read and write).When returning to the dark, he again removes red glasses and works calmly.

Features of hearing adaptation.Hearing adaptation is a hearing adaptation to different sound strength levels. For example, after adapting hearing to silence, the sensitivity reaches a maximum, and therefore the sound signals originally seem to be increased loud. The adaptation of the hearing is carried out within the strength of the power of the sound from 0 Decibel (hearing threshold) to 130 decibels (pain threshold). Moreover, the greatest sensitivity manifests itself to sound frequencies from 1000 to 4000 Hz (the range of audio sound from 16,000 to 20,000 Hz).

Prolonged (for several hours) and strong (more than 110 decibels) The sound effect leads to a functional breakdown of hearing adaptation expressed in the development of fatigue with relatively resistant (for 1-2 hours) with a decrease in hearing. With such long-term exposure, normal hearing sensitivity is not restored and the irreversible hearing loss (hearing loss) is developing.

Negatively affect human performance high noise levels. Noise level 100 Decibel Requires the voltage of voice when talking, interferes with work, at 120 decibels - noise is suppressed, and at 130 decibels - intolerable conditions are created.

A decisive role in the success of adaptation to extreme conditions is played by the processes of training, functional, mental and moral state of personality.

Based on the determination of the psychology of labor as a science on the patterns of formation and maintaining a dynamic equilibrium in the system "The subject of labor is a professional environment", there is a reason to consider professional adaptation as the process of becoming (and recovery) of this balance. Such an understanding does not contradict the overall concept of mental adaptation as a process that supports dynamic balance in the "Man - Wednesday system".

C The employer's point of view, professional adaptation is a system of measures that contribute to the professional development of an employee, the formation of relevant social and professional qualities, installations and needs for active creative work, the achievement of the highest level of professionalism.

Adaptation of a young worker - the process of forming a sustainable positive attitude towards the tasks, traditions and prospects of the enterprise, during which the personality is actively involved in a new production activity, the system of interpersonal relations, public and cultural life of the enterprise, finds conditions for self-realization and turns a new Wednesday is based on its livelihoods.

According to the results of Finnish vocational adaptation researchers, young professionals can be divided into four groups:

1. Quick transition to work, appropriate education.

2. Labor life is characterized by scattering, i.e. Types of work do not correspond to education.

3. In the period of study, education was obtained in several fields, but labor activity quickly comes in line with education.

4. Education has been obtained in several areas, labor activity is characterized by spreading in the choice of work.

In scientific literature, environmental, biological, physiological, operating, information, communicative, personal and socio-psychological aspects of professional adaptation is observed. In order to streamline this variety, turn to work B. G. Ananeva, in which a person is a subject of labor is considered as an alloy of the properties of an individual and personality. In such a case, professional adaptation is the unity of the adaptation of the individual to the physical conditions of the professional environment (the first aspect, psychophysiological), adaptation to the professional tasks performed by operations, professional information, etc. (second aspect, actually professional) and personality adaptation to social components Professional environment (third, socio-psychological aspect).

In the process of psychophysiological adaptation, the aggregate of all conditions that provide various psychophysiological impact on the employee during labor occurs. The study of the professional and socio-psychological aspects of adaptation does not exclude the analysis of the physiological mechanisms of mental phenomena, accompanying this process. A person adapts to any professional situation as a holistic structure: both as an organism, and as a person.

Professional adaptation is characterized by an additional development of professional opportunities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professionally necessary qualities of personality, a positive attitude towards their work. An important aspect of professional adaptation is a professional role person. At the same time, the effectiveness of professional adaptation largely depends on how adequately a person perceives his professional role, as well as its professional connections and relationships.

In the process of socio-psychological adaptation, an employee is included in the collective relationship system with its traditions, life standards, value orientations. In the course of such an adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, the social positions of individual members of the Group.

Many researchers also allocate organizational adaptation. In the process of organizational and administrative adaptation, the employee meets the peculiarities of the organizational mechanism of management, the place of its division and position in the overall system of goals and in the organizational structure. With this adaptation, an employee should form an understanding of its own role in the general production process.

Despite the difference between the types of adaptation, all of them are in constant interaction, so the management process requires a unified system of impact tools that ensure the speed and success of adaptation.

Adaptation of a person to professional activities is divided into a number of stages: primary adaptation, a period of stabilization, possible deadaption, secondary adaptation, ageal reduction of adaptive capabilities. It is impossible to disagree with those researchers (Ideas, 1978; Treaschairs, 1980), which determine the process of adaptation as a continuous, but activating in cases where in the system "labor entity - professional environment" arises mismatch. The cause of deadaption can serve as changes in the subject of labor and the increase in the requirements of activities. These changes can be stable, defining long-lasting and deep restructuring, and then they should be attributed to general professional adaptation, but there may be short-term "perturbations" that imply situational adaptation.

Describing the stages of psychological adaptation in the organization, a group of authors under the leadership of A. A. Derkach focuses on the procedural aspect of adaptation. Allocate five stages of adaptation.

The preparatory stage of adaptation, consisting mainly in the accumulation of relevant information on subject and social conditions of the upcoming activities.

The stage of starting mental stress is associated with the state of neuropsychic experiences of preparatory actions and initial entry into new conditions of professional activities. There is an internal mobilization of human mental and psychophysiological resources, providing the necessary prerequisites for functioning in new conditions.

The next step of adaptation is the stage of sharp mental entry reactions, on which the adaptant begins to feel the impact of the changing factors of the subject and social environment. Characteristic for this stage of the adaptation process is the experiencing of the status of frustration, causing structural or destructive reactions.

In the case of a favorable development of the adaptation process, the stage of the final mental stress comes, characterized by peculiar preparation of the human psyche to the actualization of the previous modes of functioning, the usual ways of behavior in connection with the upcoming return to the usual life.

The final stage of the adaptation process, the name of the stage of sharp mental reactions of exit, consists of a complex of emotional and behavioral reactions associated with entering the already familiar environment of habitat and professional activities.

In almost all the work on the problem of personality adaptation in the work sphere, certain criteria are put forward by which the degree of adaptation of the individual is estimated.

Adaptation is manifested primarily in the efficiency of activity. An efficient activity can be called, characterized by high productivity and product quality, optimal energy and neuropsychiatric costs, professional satisfaction. F. B. Berezin formulates three criteria, in accordance with which it is advisable to assess the mental adaptation in a certain professional activity: 1) the success of activities (the implementation of labor tasks, the development of qualifications, the necessary interaction with the members of the Working Group and other persons); 2) the ability to avoid situations that make a threat to the employment process, and effectively eliminate the threat (prevention of injuries, accidents, emergencies); 3) carrying out activities without significant violations of physical health.

In general, to control and evaluate professional adaptation use:

1. Psychophysiological criteria, taking into account the condition and functional reserves of a person.

2. Economic criteria, including indicators of working out and quality of labor.

3. Psychological criteria: satisfaction of the work performed, the establishment of business relations with management, entry into the team, socio-psychological compatibility, the adoption of goals, norms and internal regulations of the organization.

4. Social criteria, including fluidity of personnel, production injuries and accidents, incidence, etc. .

Socio-psychological adaptation criteria are designed in detail: in the field of public activity - participation in public work and satisfaction with this participation; In the sphere of interpersonal communication - sociometric status and satisfaction with the relationship with comrades (Georgiev, 1986), attitude to the union (large group), attitude to the team (small group), satisfaction at work, attitude to the leader (Ismagilov, 1981), adequacy interactions with other participants in Affairs (Berezin, 1988). The criteria of psychophysiological adaptation are the state of health, mood, level of anxiety, degree of fatigue, behavior activity (Blessed, 1986; Berezin, 1988; Celine, 1990).

The overall adaptation indicator is the absence of signs of deadaption. Deazadaption is manifested in various violations: in reducing labor productivity and its quality, in violations of the discipline of labor, in increasing accidents and injuries. Physiological and psychological signs of deadaption correspond to well-studied and described signs of stress.

The set of specific values \u200b\u200bof the adaptation criteria is classified further depending on these values \u200b\u200band their combinations, i.e., the levels of personality adaptation are highlighted.

The question of the levels is solved in various studies in different ways, the authors offer their classifications based on the characteristics of the adaptation criteria used. V. G. Podmarkov highlights high, medium (normal) and low adaptation levels. G. A. Slesarev proposes to consider the four levels of production adaptation: dysfunctional, stereotypical, stereotypical initiative, initiative. R. A. Kuzmina and A. A. Rusalinova - groups of complete, incomplete and zero adaptation.
