Coloring fur products at home. Painting of fur paint for hair. Detailed instructions. People's way - painting with blue

Products made of natural fur will never come out of fashion. And all because they are not only warm and comfortable, but also expensive and stylish. A real fur coat or a fox fur vest is an indicator of wealth and high taste. But what to do if the fur spoiled from old age, became faded or dim. Or you inadvertently stained the product, and you can't get rid of the stains. In this case, you just need to repaint fur and breathe into clothes. new life. And indeed, painted sands looks like a new way that you pampered themselves another expensive purchase.

Clean me before painting

In order for the paint to lay evenly, completely painted the fur and did not leave the pale plots, the product must be cleaned. To do this, make a solution from the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • ammonia tablespoon;
  • 2 tablespoons of food soda;
  • powder tablespoon;
  • 2 liters warm (not hot) water.

Mix all the components and carefully apply the resulting mass on the fur. Spend on the fur product with a brush. Get to be taken not only the top, but also the bottom of the fur. The field of this several times wipe the fur with a clean damp cloth to wash off it soap. The skin on the reverse side is called Mezer. If possible, it does not need to wet, otherwise it can bother.

Dry fur in natural conditions - no hair dryer and heater. Do not leave the fur product under the right sunlight. It is better to hang a fur coat or a collar on the hanger and leave in a well-ventilated place.

As you know, the fur can be painted in special workshops. But the price is such a service high enough, besides, you will get an unexpected result. If you paint the fox fur at home, you can independently control the process and if necessary to influence it. So, how to transform the fur product?

  1. First you need to choose paint. In business stores you can find a special paint for fur. It is designed for a similar structure of wool and perfectly falls on the villi. If you did not find such a paint, you can use ordinary hair paint. Here you appear a wide palette - from black to reddish-chestnut. It is important to take into account that it is necessary to paint fur in darker colors (relative to the native shade). Keep in mind that over time, the red color of the fur will become rusty or red, and the black will acquire a dirty brown shade.
  2. Divide the paint according to the instructions. To do this, carefully observe all the proportions and water temperature. Put on gloves and respirator - inhale paint pairs are quite harmful.
  3. Lubricate with a fatty children's cream, glycerin or vaseline. It will protect the skin from drying out, and also prevents its excessive wet.
  4. You can paint the fur coat both in a dry and wet state. Therefore, painting usually follows the cleaning of the product - the wet pile helps the paint go to bed more gently. Take an ordinary brushes that hairdressers color strands and apply paint on the fur. It is necessary to do it quickly, but carefully. Browse all areas so that there are no light claps left.
  5. To give the fur of a special color, you can paint the product with several paints using a stencil. To do this, take a tight piece of cardboard and cut out small asymmetric holes on it. Attach the resulting stencil to the fur and paint the fur at certain areas with brown color. The next step is to paint the center of brown spots in black. So you will receive a bright leopard color.
  6. Fur can be painted not completely, but only its ends. So you will get a rich and rich shade. Most often, the ends of the Village are made lighter.
  7. An excellent way to refresh the product is to paint the ends of the Village with special paint for suede, which is sold in the form of an aerosol. Keep the canister at a fairly long distance, move uniformly. It is much easier and faster than the classic painting of fur.
  8. After that, leave the fur for the time specified on the packing time. Usually 30 minutes is enough to get the desired shade.
  9. Rinse the fur thoroughly so that there are no paints left.
  10. In a pair of liters of cool water, dig five tablespoons of vinegar. Rinse the product in this solution. Vinegar will help save soft and glitter, and also secure the color. After that, blot fur with a dry towel.
  11. So when drying, the sands do not squeeze, the Mebra need to stretch. For this, clothespins hook the edges of the product and stretch on the table. So you will not allow deformation.

You need to dry fur in a ventilated room, you can on the balcony. In no case do not dry the fox under the sun, near the battery or with a hair dryer. Periodically swap the fur so that it does not dry in any order.

How to paint fur sand into a light shade

If natural fox fox is already dark enough, and you do not want to paint into a more rich shade, it should be pre-discolored. This can be done using a special lighter for hair or simple hydrogen peroxide.

Divide the brightening paint according to the instructions. If you use hydrogen peroxide, divert it with water in a 1: 3 ratio. Apply the cooked tool on the fur and leave for 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to keep the clarifying composition for a long time, otherwise the villi can become brittle. In this case, you risks at all stay without fur. After that, rinse the fur and leave to dry. Cancel the fur after clarification can be possible only after a complete drying of the product. Do not lighten and paint the fur several times. One time will be enough, otherwise you can permanently spoil the structure of the villi.

Do not hurry to abandon the boring or spoiled fur thing. Cooker, fantasy and competent approach will allow you to update your winter products. Shine and change without changing yourself!

Video: how to paint fur at home

In some cases, without painting, the fur can not do. You need to paint natural fur at home if you seize something out of it if the fur coats burned out in the sun in the process of socks or you pretally like the color of your fur product.

But how to paint the fur correctly not to ruin it appearance? Of course, the easiest way to contact a specialized atelier. But why, if you paint or tonnate the fur at home for everyone.

Deciding to paint natural fur on their own, remember that it initially needs to be cleaned, since the dirt prevents the penetration of the coloring agent.

Important: Before you begin to paint the fur coat, vest, fur collar or headdress, process this item with an alkaline solution that you can prepare yourself. To do this, you will need:

  1. Water - liter
  2. Soda - 2h.l.
  3. Tool for washing dishes - 1 tsp.
  4. Ammonia from the pharmacy - 1 tsp.

Instructions for cleaning fur:

  • Prepare the solution, thoroughly mixing all substances.
  • Apply fat cream to Mezir. This is necessary in order to prevent its drying.
  • Using the brush, apply a solution to a pile, evenly distributing it all over the surface.
    Rinse the fur under the stream of clean water.
  • Spread the fur product in a horizontal position and leave dry at room temperature.

How to paint a natural hair paint fur?

First of all, deciding to paint natural fur on your own, you should decide on the color in which you will paint it. General recommendations are reduced to paint the product from fur into darker tones. If you, on the contrary, you want to paint it into a light color, then the fur must be preliminated with hydrogen peroxide.

You will need:

  • Hair dye
  • Latex gloves


  1. Before painting fur, the fur coats thoroughly moisten it in water.
  2. Color paint fur for hair.
  3. Equally distribute the paint on the surface of the fur
    Hold the paint as much time as indicated in the instructions for the paint.
  4. To wash the coloring agent, rinse the fur in warm water, in which you need to add some table vinegar.
  5. Dry the product, dealing it, and decompose it to dry it in a vertical position.

How to dry fur?

You need to dry the fur correctly, otherwise you can irrevocably spoil its appearance.
Never drip the fur hair dryer, use a special sapar driver instead.

When drying the fur with a jet of steam, comb his fur brushing, which can be bought in a pet store. Combing fur need a pile growth.

To give the fur natural glitter, you can rinse it with a hair balm or a solution that can be prepared at home. The use of these funds will allow you to give Fur natural shine and softness.

How to tint fur spray?

Usually, at home, the spray is used to toning long fur tips. At the same time, the underfloor and member remains intact.

Spray spray on the fur is needed at a distance of 60-70 cm from its surface. It is necessary to distribute the coloring substance slowly, smoothly moving the canor on one side to another.

As soon as the tips of the Village are punctured, spread the fur with a brush to prevent its further gluing and remove the extra moisture.

In addition to paint for hair and spray, at home, you can use toning hair shampoo.

This manual on how to paint the fur at home is familiarized. Also recommends watching a video showing the whole process.

How to paint artificial fur

Deciding to paint the product from artificial fur, decide which color you want to paint it. Perhaps it needs to be just updated, giving him freshness.

Paint faux fur You can paint for hair. If you need to update the color, use the resistant hair paint. If you just want to refresh the color, use the hair toning shampoo or spray.

Before painting it is recommended to clean the artificial fur from traces of fat and dirt, which most often arise from skin contact. If the fur is not previously cleaned, the coloring agent can host unevenly.

To clean the artificial fur at home, it is enough to use the usual soap solution, which can be applied using a sponge.

Getting Started, make sure that your chosen color will be good to go. To do this, apply paint to a pile from the wrong side of the product. If you are satisfied with the result obtained, boldly proceed to painting fur.

Important: Prepare a product from artificial fur, laying it on the surface exactly and stretching around the edges, otherwise the fur is punished by blocks.

When painting a fur made of artificial material strictly follow the instructions for hair paint.

After the time specified in the instruction comes out, wash the paint. Moreover, you can handitate the product without using powder or shampoo. Just do it without fanaticism!

Another wet article from artificial fur should be combed and give it to dry, and after it is completely dry, it needs to be allowed again.

Alas, but over time, the fur on our favorite fur coats loses its original appearance, changes in color and in shape. But you do not need to run for a new product. The first reason is not cheap, and the second - we will tell how to paint the fur at home. Of course, it should be rightfully noted that not everyone is decided on painting at home. Most are simply afraid to spoil the fur and prefers to entrust the product to professionals. In this, of course, there is its meaning. But with our recommendations you will succeed not only do not spoil the product, but also breathe new life into it. The fur will again acquire his shape, the villi will become soft, and most importantly the color of the product will again be like new. Before painting, you need to clean it. Without this procedure, painting can turn out with unpainted places, which is just more aggravated by the situation.

Clean meh.

For cleaning we need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • ammonia - (25%) - 3 g;
  • detergent - 1 g;
  • soda - 2 g

We mix in the resulting solution soaked the product for at least an hour. Next, squeeze and well-blast under running water. Before painting, you must completely dry it.

How to paint natural fur at home

For painting we need:

  • fur paint: relative to the original color, it is necessary to choose a darker shade;
  • fat cream (glycerin is also suitable);
  • vinegar.

Painting fur at home

  1. After we cleaned the pile of solution, it is necessary to stretch it on the board and secure. It will not give me fur.
  2. In order to avoid drying the product, its opposite direction must be wrapped with fatty cream or glycerin.
  3. I wact a little a little and spend it in color.
  4. We mix warm water and vinegar.
  5. We put a fur coat after coloring.
  6. The product should be dried without a hair dryer.

As we see, paint the fur at home is not much difficult. It is only necessary to adhere to the rules: before painting it is necessary to clean the product with a solution, in a small area, check how the pile reacts to the paint and the amateur promissory glycerin.

How to paint fox fur at home

Painting of the sand is carried out according to the same principles. It is necessary to clean it with a solution. If there are stains on the product, they can be removed with a solution of one teaspoon of ammonia and three spoons of salt dissolved in one liter of water.

It is necessary to paint on a wet pile. After the paint was blown, wash it under the shower. This type of fur can be dried with a hairdryer.

How to paint fur at home paint for hair

It would seem that you can still paint the fur at home. It turns out that it is great for the usual hair paint. Pros of this method - it turns out a saturated color and simplicity of painting. Minus - such a rich color keeps not so long, approximately six months.

  1. In order to drastically change the color, the coat should be lit using the oxidizing agent.
  2. Color uniformly with a special brush.

If you like experiments, try to paint the fur coat in the tonic. He will give a temporary shade, and you will definitely understand your preferences.

We have dealt with how and how to paint the fur at home. After painting, special care is needed. You can apply hair balm dissolved in water and wash it off from the product. Fur will get a special color, and the product will last much longer. We wish you good luck!

Fur products in two or three years losing the original shine and saturation of the color. You can restore them using staining. Painting artificial and natural fur can be at home paint for hair or special aerosols. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the hairs from fat and dirt. The color should be 1-2 tons of darker in the original. Pre-means are tested on an inconspicuous area.

Coloring of natural fur

Products made of natural fur - rabbit, sand, beaver, foxes, Chernoburki, mink - every year they lose their beauty and attractiveness every year. Some places, especially pockets and armpits, are rubbed. The product quickly loses appearance, if a woman carries a bag with long handles, throw it on his shoulder.

Fur overwhelming the sun and becomes lighter and dull, acquires a gray shade. In the short products, the ends of the hairs after a couple of years, socks are losing the look and look sealing. Painting of outerwear in specialized services - quite expensive pleasure. Procedure M. conduct it at home If you show accuracy and follow all the rules of painting.

How to starch the shirt at home - step-by-step instruction

Preparation of natural products for staining

First, natural fur is prepared for painting. It must be cleaned of dirt and dust. If you skip this stage, the paint is worse on particularly contaminated and felling places, and the fur will eventually be with stains and divorces.

Solution prepare for cleaning products from pollution and fat:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • tool for washing dishes or shampoo - 1 h. spoon;
  • ammonia (ammonia alcohol) - 5 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • soda - 10 g

You can prepare a solution and from the remedies:

  • alcohol - 50 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • water - 50 ml.

All ingredients are mixed and applied with a soft brush on the fur surface. It is necessary to control so that the skin does not go to the hairs. Then neatly foam is washed off with a brush moistened in clean water. If there is an opportunity, the skin from the reverse side of the fur can be lubricated with greasy hand cream to prevent drying.

Methods of painting

Natural fur under the structure looks like a person's hair, so at home for its colors, professional hair paint or the one that is sold in supermarkets and household chemicals are used. Quality and persistent paint will give a good effect that will remain for a long time.

When preparing a mixture for painting, it is necessary to evaluate the amount of work and thickness of the hair. Paint need to dilute with a margin. For example, a rabbit or mink fur is short, and Chernoburki, a fox, a raccoon - long and tight, so the paint will be required twice as much as the same area. Before starting staining, you need to draw a sample on a small invisible area. This will help make sure the color choices and get the desired shade.

No need to try to radically change the color of the coat or coats. It is better to choose a range of 2-3 tones to the side of a darker color. A white fur coat in black will not work on the first time, and having spent the process of staining several times, you can damage the product structure and spoil it.

The tool is applied with brush for staining very carefully. It is necessary to scroll the fur to the roots, but at the same time try not to touch the skin. Withstand paint from 20 to 40 minutes, focusing on instructions in the instructions. First, the product is treated with a brushed in water, remove the main amount of coloring composition. Then the residues are flushed with flowing water. It wash only the fur side, trying not to pour water on the skin. It is impossible to dry the product with a fan and hairdryer. Make it in a polished form, dry rubbish the inner leather side from moisture.

Staining artificial fur

When staining the unfulfilled fur, the color of the main fabric is considered to which it is planted. Dye try on little plotWhen painting not only the hairs, but also the fabric base. Their shades after painting may differ, fabric or hair can not be completely painted. Sometimes artificial fur gluits due to the reaction with the dye. That is why they conduct trial staining of a small area with the passage of all stages of staining.

About painting

Painting fur paint for hair at home is currently gained great distribution. Fur mink, caricaric, column, cunits, ondatras and other animals can be painted with resistant domestic cream with paints. Currently, the market has a large number of different colors cream, prices range from several hundred to tens of rubles.

To paint the fur, it is desirable to choose paint not expensive, light-resistant and steady to the aquatic environment. Painting small skins, pieces and ready-made stitched fur caps for caps are very comfortable with such colors. One skin requires one or two packs, depending on the magnitude of the fur and the downsion. The paint is the contents of two tubes: a tube with paint and a tube with an oxidizing agent (peroxide). After mixing the contents of two tubes in a separate dish, the paint is applied with a masked manner and rubbing the tampon into the fur.

When painting fur, oxidative or acidic dyes arise many inconvenience. For example, when painted with oxidative dyes, it is not advisable to dye one, two skins or a seeded fur cap for the cap, since several components are required: URZOL is black for fur, pyrocatechin or resorcin, ammonia 25%, salt and oxidizer (perhydro 30%). Before painting fur, you need to go in a chromephic in an acidic environment. Drilling and painting processes are long, occupy almost the entire light day, painting is carried out by a bonus method in separate baths at 35 -38 degrees.

When painting fur with acid dyes, the skins need to be monded with an increased number of chrome tunnel so that the skins are not welded. The temperature of the dyeing solution is 60 - 65 degrees.

It is not advisable to paint fur in small quantities, it is more economical to prepare the game of the skins and to paint the whole day.

When painting fur with hair paints, everything is much easily simplified, you can paint one, two skins for 1 to 2 hours, with a masked way, rubbing paint into the fur. It is spent by one or two packs of paint. Costs are small.

What hair paints can be used

From a large number of household cream colors, you need to choose such paints that provide the painted fur with good resistance to light, water and mechanical exposure. When painting fur mink, depending on the old or new fur, the paint consumption is small. If we need to paint the skins with a long-tailed fur (Lescent, Fox, Chernoburka or Sable), paint consumption increases significantly, especially when painting light skins in dark tones and new fur. In this case, the issue of price is sharp.

For painting mink, ondatres and other fur shkins, such steady household hair creams have proven well: FARA, IMPRESION +, PRESTIGE. Painted things retain the color of 2-3 years, do not wash off with water, they are almost no different in color from natural not colored skins.


Selection of shades for different colors of fur

It is necessary to paint fur into the tone, which will be an order of magnitude darker. For example, if you need to paint the fur of a brown mink, be sure to take the paint darker. FARA paint - dark brown №502 is suitable for a natural brown mink. Mink fur, like any other, is painted in different ways. A new fur that has not been subject to sunny effect (new skins) is very bad, it is necessary to increase the concentration of paint by adding a more dark.

So, for example: in dark brown paint FARA №502, you can add floor tube black paint No. 501. You can increase the concentration even more, adding a dark brown tube in a black tube to the Black Tube No. 501 No. 502.

A new mink fur or ondatra is beautiful, so often after drying it is necessary to repaint repeatedly in order to achieve dark shades. Old (worn) mink fur, ondatras and other animals, which was exposed to sunny effects, is spreading much better and the longer we wore the fur, the more intense color. For 30 minutes or an hour of the skin is painted completely dark brown paint Fara No. 502 or No. 501.

Shampoo Irida.

The light tone of fur, for example: a gray or blue mink is better to cut into the same tone of paint for hair - Irida. For yellow or white mink, it is also better to choose the paint in the tone. After painting, the fur is updated, the color is made brighter and rich. Bright new skins are painted in dark tones with difficulty, it is often replicated by increasing the concentration of the above method. With old light fur there are no such problems, it is clearly repainted in black or brown.

Long-tested fur (luxury, fox) is better tying in a natural color, picking up paint in color. When painting in dark tones, yes, even when new skins, paint leaves more than more.

Preparation of the product to staining

Wiped and broken moth places

Fur skins, separate pieces or ready-made sewn fur cap for the caps need to be prepared for painting. First, fur skins need to be checked on the effects of water. Fur, before painting, need to be deguted, clean from pollution by washing. Then it is thoroughly washed in water, painted, erased and washed again. Skins, due to long-term storage or socks, new skins due to improper dressing, can lose their strength and when hitting the water swell and rush. That's why, before painting, all skins need to be checked for water. Separate pieces or thin places of skins urine or throw in dishes with warm water and over 10 - 15 minutes are observed if nothing happens with the skin, they remain durable, such skins can be painted. It happens on the contrary, the skins will swell, with a slight stretching, they are rushing, and even worse they are risen like clogging paper. From such skins need to refuse, otherwise there will be big problems.

Before painting on the skin, defects are eliminated: Pleshins, wiped and broken places, poks and breaks. These places are cut in the form of fish, inserts are sewn or simply cut and stitched. Weak skins, especially on the seams, are strengthened by sticking strips from nonwoven sponbon or phlizelin material, glue moment 1. Glue moment 1 is ideal for skins.

The process of painting natural fur paint for hair

Before the painting fur skit or fur cap for the cap, which you were carved and sewed from whole skins or a naked fur (old hat or collar), you need to degrease with washing, as fat and dirty hair is poorly painted. There are not scratched places, stains.

Preet in a cup of water temperature, a washing powder is added in a small amount and gently erased. The skins should be already tested for water, as sometimes skin skins will buoy and rush. So that the skins do not rush, wash without sharp movements and try not to twist when pressing. After washing the skin is rocked in clean warm water, slightly pressed and prepare to painting.

The process of cooking paint

The paint is prepared according to the instructions attached to the box. In a separate dish, squeeze out paint for hair and oxidizer (peroxide), everything is well mixed. Paint with a sponge is smeared on the skin or stitched fur cap and rub into fur. The skin is folded and lay out into the cup. After 10 - 15 minutes are suitable, and again the paint is well rubbed into the fur. Constantly watching the skin painted. In the floor - an hour, the car darkening appears (in the case of a mink painting in a brown color), the longer painting, the darker color. Wailed fur is spread faster.

At the end of painting, the skin is rinsed in clean warm water, and then erased with a powder in warm water, they are rinsed several times to clean water. The skin is wrapped in a towel and carefully pressed without twisting so as not to break. Then the skin must be dried.

How to dry fur

For drying of painted fur, you need to use the hair dryer, best and more efficiently use the vacuum cleaner of an old sample having a reverse craving. Under the influence of air jet, the fur fastest dries and flies. If these are new skins and not cut through the tummy, they can be pulled to the rules to the fur to outside and dry. The cuts are stretched with nails on the fur shield outward, after drying, remove and crushed. Such painted skins can further be used to sewing new caps or at repairs of fur coats. The finished stitched and colored fur caps for the caps manufactured by the molding method are dried with an air jet and stretch onto the block in half.

When repairs, mink coats sometimes have to tint brown fur right on the fur coats. The paint rubs the tampon into the burntable place, after staining it is quickly washed off with water and dried with an air jet.

A little about secrets ...

In the manufacture of fur caps by the mold method, when crossing the fur cap, sometimes it is necessary to insert a light fur. After staining, pulling onto the block of the fur cap and drying, it turns out that the light fur is characterized by color. In this case, you can cut the skin straight on the deck, pulling nails. The paint of high concentrations is immediately applied to the non-scrolled plot. After staining, the paint is washed off, the fur is quickly dried by an air jet.

As a result of long-term socks and strong exposure to sun rays, the mink fur is made hard on the touch, such a fur before opens to check. A piece of such fur is painted separately, after drying the fur is painted disgusting, the tips of the hair are gray, the color is very bad. Sometimes hurrying, such fur appears on the finished cap, then you need to cut this piece and replace it with a good one.

Often hoping the quality of the skins, it turns out that after painting the skin begins to rush. You can get out of the position, pull the dried cap on the finished block and sneaking the entire cap with slices of spunbond, using the glue moment 1. When pulling it on the finished shoe, the skin will not break.

Stitching the fur cap for the header manufactured by the molding method, you need to remember that the skins after painting and drying are reduced in size, so the cap in the beyme is cut more.

Other coloring methods

Fur can be painted in many ways. For these purposes, there are oxidative, straight, active, acidic and still a number of dyes, including natural drugs. When painting is mainly used and less frequently namazy method. All these methods are time-consuming, in addition to using basic dyes, a whole complex of additional preparations.

When painting fur at home is the whole day day. The finished fur product (cap, fur coat, vest) can not be painted by the camp method, you need to separate the fur skin from the lining material, and during painting it is possible shrinkage skins, skin skins decrease in size. You can cut some defective places (darling or burnt), for example, on a fur coat or cap, with a masked way to rub paint into the fur, and then quickly wash off with water and dry. With this method, household hair paint cream has been perfectly proven. Sometimes such problem areas are tinted with aerosols, by spraying paint.

Fur Color Spray

Often ready fur products (caps, fur coats) with a long-term sock look excellent, but in some places burnt stains appear. In this case, there is no need to paint the whole thing, it is enough to cut the problem areas with a spray.

For staining of fur, you can use the paint - an aerosol for suede care. It is a metal canister with paint in the form of spray.

Sustal Aerosol

You need to correctly pick up the desired shade, otherwise the painted fur will differ sharply from the main one. The site that must be tinted is cleaned from dirt, can be deguted with alcohol, wiping a tampon. The fur is desirable to cover with any material, except for tinted spots. Paint spray at a distance of 30 -40 cm so that the fur does not glue and the uniform color turned out. In this way, you can get an excellent result, painted places little will differ from natural fur, paint will last for several months.

Painted Fur Care

As a result of painting fur shkins, individual pieces, fur caps for caps with resistant household cream with hair paints, carried out by the masked manner, due to paint in the fur, we get a steady color. Paint for a long time with a fur toe is resistant to light, water and mechanical effects. Special care such things do not require the same requirements as for any fur product.

To the fur, painted by spraying, the requirements are completely different. The color is not particularly resistant, so such a product is better to take care of the effect of light, water, mechanical exposure and elevated temperature.

In order for the paint to hold better and the fur of the glitter, it can be treated with a special balsam for caring for painted hair. After such processing, the fur is made softer and fluffy.

Fur products require daily care, more often to calculate, require careful cleaning. Much depends on the proper storage. Fur must be covered and stored in a dark place.
