Power plants on fast neutrons are really valid. Beloyarsk NPP: Interesting Facts and General Information (PHOTO). The history of the creation of a Beloyarsk nuclear power plant

- One of the most influential and authoritative international professional publications in this area - awarded its Power Awards Award for 2016 the project of the fourth power unit of the Russian Beloyarsk NPP with a unique reactor on fast neutrons BN-800, which will work out a number of technologies necessary for the development of atomic energy .

Russian nuclear projects are not first awarded recognition in the United States. The completed first block of the Iranian NPP "Busheter" and the first block of the Indian NPP "Kudankulam" were previously named with the projects of 2014 according to another authoritative American Power Engineering magazine. These power units operate Russian reactors on thermal neutrons of VVER-1000.

A great achievement of Russia

"Reactors on fast neutrons are essential for the implementation of the ambitious plans of Russia in nuclear power. Successful construction, the inclusion in the network and testing of the first BN-800 reactor in the Beloyarsk NPP is a major achievement in the right direction," the magazine notes.

Block number 4 of the Beloyarsk NPP with a reactor on fast neutrons with a liquid metal coolant Sodium BN-800 (from "fast sodium") installed electric capacity of 880 MW on Monday was put into commercial operation. This is the world's most powerful reactor in fast neutrons.

Experts called this event historical not only for the Russian, but also global nuclear energy. Experts emphasize that the experience of designing, construction, start-up and exploitation of energy reactors on fast neutrons, which Russian nuclear scientists will receive on BN-800 will be necessary for the development of this direction of atomic energy in Russia.

Recognized leadership

Russian nuclear makers meet their holiday with new unique achievementsThe Day of the Atomic Industry Employee is a symbol of recognizing the strategic contribution of the industry to the development of the country, the National Economy and Scientific Potential, in strengthening Russia's defense capability.

Fast neutron reactors are considered to have great advantages for the development of nuclear energy, ensuring the closure of the nuclear fuel cycle (YATC). In the closed Yatz due to the full use of uranium raw materials in reactors on fast neutrons (bridery), the fuel base of the nuclear energy will increase significantly, and it will also be possible to significantly reduce the volume of radioactive waste due to burning hazardous radionuclides. Russia, as experts noted, ranks first in the world in the construction technologies of "fast" reactors.

The Soviet Union was a leader in the construction and operation of the "fast" power reactors of industrial power. The world's first such unit with a BN-350 reactor with an installed 350 megawatt electric power was launched in 1973 on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea in Shevchenko (now Aktau, Kazakhstan). A portion of the thermal power of the reactor was used to generate electricity, the rest was on the desalination of sea water. This power unit worked until 1998 - for five years longer than the project period. The experience of creating and operating this installation made it possible to understand and solve many tasks in the field of BN type reactors.

From 1980, the Beloyarsk NPP has been operating a third power unit with a BN-600 reactor installed 600 megawatts installed. This unit not only produces electricity, but also serves as a unique base for testing new structural materials and nuclear fuel.

BN-800 History

In 1983, it was decided to build four atomic blocks at the USSR at once with the BN-800 reactor: one - on the Beloyarsk NPP and three on the new South Ural NPP. But after Chernobyl, the stagnation of the Soviet nuclear power engineering began, the construction of new, including "fast," reactors stopped. And after the collapse of the USSR, the situation has deteriorated even more, the threat of the loss of domestic technologies of nuclear energy, including BN reactors, has emerged.

Attempts to resume the construction of at least one BN-800 block were undertaken repeatedly, but in the middle of zero years it became clear that for this opportunity only the nuclear industry may not be enough. And here the decisive role was played by support from the leadership of Russia, who approved a new program for the development of atomic energy. It found a place for BN-800 on the fourth block of the Beloyarsk NPP.

It was not easy to complete the block. For the improvement of the project, taking into account the improvements, the purpose of which was to increase its cost-effectiveness and security, it took real mobilization of the forces of scientific, design and design organizations of the nuclear industry. Complex challenges stood before plants-manufacturers of equipment, which should not only restore technologies for which the BN-600 reactor equipment was created, but also to master new technologies.

And yet the power unit was built. In February 2014, the loading of nuclear fuel to the BN-800 reactor began. In June of the same year, the reactor was launched. Then it was necessary to modernize the design of fuel assemblies, and at the end of July 2015 the BN-800 reactor was again launched, the specialists began to gradually increase its capacity to the level necessary to start generating electricity. In the tenth of December 2015, the block was included in the network and issued his first current in the energy system of Russia.

The BN-800 block should become a prototype of more powerful commercial BN-1200 commercial power units, the decision on the feasibility of the construction of which will be made on the basis of the operation of the BN-800 operation. The BN-1200 head unit is also scheduled to build on the Beloyarsk NPP.

At the Beloyarsk NPP in the city, Zarechny is preparing for the installation of the reactor for the new power unit. Currently, the only power unit with a reactor on fast neutrons with a capacity of 600 MW is being operated on the BAEP (it is powerful in the Middle Urals), and now the construction of a new, even more powerful block is being built. The correspondent on the eve of April looked how these works go, and is ready to tell and show that it is a future nuclear reactor, built at a nuclear power plant in the Sverdlovsk region, and the unique technology applied to the BAEF.

Nuclear energy turned out to be one of those industries that the crisis did not touch Russia. Well, or almost did not touch. Electricity generation at the country's nuclear power plant will continue at the same level, many problems with which they had to face in other fields are not. In addition, builders who previously reluctantly went to build new capacities by the Watch method, rushed back at the station, because their construction finances the state. At one of these buildings - the construction of the fourth power unit BN-800 of the Beloyarsk NPP - we visited.

The director of BAES Nikolay Okashov (he is also the Deputy General Director of the Energoatom Concern OJSC, which unites ten nuclear power plants in the country) notes: "There is no crisis on nuclear stations in Russia - none of the crisis phenomena affects us and will not affect." However, he recognizes that the decline in energy consumption has also affected at nuclear power - at some stations of the concern, the blocks were in reserve, but by June 1, it was 100% output.

Work on the BN-800 construction continues on the BAEs (the project is implemented in the framework of the FDP of the development of atomic energy in Russia). At present, the station operates the only power unit with a reactor on fast neutron industrial level BN-600 (this is the third BAEE power unit, the first two are in the process of outputting). What features the technology of "fast" reactors, says Nikolay Okanov himself:

"In the program (FTP development of nuclear energy, - approx.) BAEPs are represented by the fourth power unit as an innovative technology - this is a new step in which the whole world rushed, and here Russia on the example of the Beloyarsk NPP turned out to be the leader. This can only afford large countries - USA , France, Japan, Russia, England - that is, those who have a bomb. Not the DPRK, which stole technology, namely those who can develop. For what "fast" reactors are made? In the "fast" plutonium reactor turns out Clean, weapon. "

The BAEP fuel is used for peaceful purposes, the technology allows you to expand the country's fuel supply base and minimize the number of nuclear waste.

All uranium is divided into two parts: 0.7% is what can be used in reactors, 99.3% is the so-called "dump", it cannot be used in reactors that are around the world, including in our country. The "fast" reactor unused uranium-238 under the action of rapid neutrons turns into plutonium-239, "explains Nikolay Okashkov.

So, after loading in the rector, 10 tons of plutonium is removed from it already 12 tons, because plutonium was "surrounded by" uranium, he notes. Thus, the uranium "dump" becomes fuel.

This technology is applied to the BN-600 since 1980, and the BN-800 is designed to solve the problem of the "closed" coclast cycle, which provides a "circulation" of fuel between the reactors on fast and thermal neutrons.

Meanwhile, Nikolay Okanov at a press conference last Friday confirmed that the deadlines for commissioning shifted from 2012 to 2014. The problem is not in the crisis, but in the equipment, he says.

This year, 2 billion rubles were mastered on the construction of the facility, not counting the cost of equipment. "In the FTP, we go to the third room in terms of time. The first power unit of the Volgodonsk NPP goes first, behind it is the fourth block of the Kalinin NPP. This year almost 13 billion rubles were allocated to us, although it was originally planned 15, but those (power units) need to be introduced in the first Queue, since there is no electricity in the Caucasus and in the Leningrad Region, "he said.

The main problem, due to which the launch of BN-800 is postponed - the problem with the manufacture of unique equipment. "The problem is in the equipment, it is unique, I didn't do it for a long time, these are new technologies, materials. It was necessary to revive whole plants for the sake of one block. All auxiliary equipment is done, only there is no reactor with a turbine," said the director of the BAEP.

However, if on the construction of the work reactor go almost in the chart (it will put it at the station Podolsky plant. Ordzhonikidze), then the main complexity is in the manufacture of the turbine (they are engaged in "United Mashaws").

The fact that the workers are stacked in a schedule for the construction of the reactor (where radioactive equipment will be located), we were able to make sure the reactor assembly housing.

The building of the reactor assembly building was built in the 80s, but then the construction of the BN-800 was stopped, and resumed - only three years ago. Only in 2008 the enlargement of the reactor began - he comes from the plant in Podolsk in parts, explains the deputy chief engineer of the Beloyarsk Mounting Department Alexei Chernikov.

As expected, the installation of the reactor in the mine will begin in August-September of this year.

Meanwhile, from July 1, the nuclear industry can not be waiting for not quite pleasant changes. From this date of the electric power industry goes to the work scheme "50 to 50": 50% of energy will be implemented on the free market and 50% - at a solid tariff. It has already been calculated that as a result will grow a fee for the population for electricity. "There is an option for which the problem will be solved at the expense of nuclear energy," says Nikolay Okashov. Since electricity generated by nuclearies is cheaper at cost, "expenses" may assign on this industry.

However, in the "Atomic Future" as a whole, the director of the BAES looks with hope: "In the world there is a" nuclear renaissance "-" climbed "as in the old days the construction of nuclear power plants, Russia is building in China, India, only to Europe" do not let ". In Russia, the main problem is not in resources, but in their delivery. "

"As a population asks, it will be so," he comments on the prospects of the industry, without hiding and further plans actually the BAEPs - already in 2020, they intend to begin construction of the fifth power unit - BN-1200.

The unique Russian reactor on fast neutrons, working on the Beloyarsk NPP, brought to the capacity of 880 megawatt - the press service of Rosatom reports.

The reactor operates at the power unit No. 4 of the Beloyarsk NPP and is currently undergoing planned tests of generating equipment. In accordance with the test program, the power unit provides for 8 hours to maintain electrical power at no lower than 880 megawatts.

The power of the reactor rises in stages, so that in the end, according to the test results, get certification at the project level in 885 megawatts. At the moment, the reactor is certified to the power of 874 megawatts.

Recall that the Beloyarsk NPP works two fast neutron reactors. Since 1980, the BN-600 reactor has been working here - for a long time he was the only reactor of this type in the world. But in 2015, the phased launch of the second reactor BN-800 began.

Why is it so important and is considered a historical event for the global nuclear industry?

Fast neutron reactors allow you to implement a closed fuel cycle (in BN-600 it is currently not implemented). Since the uranium-238 is "burned", after processing (extraction of fission products and adding new portions of uranium-238), the fuel can be downloaded to the reactor. And since the uranium plutonium plutonium cycle is formed more than contemplated, the fuel surplus can be used for new reactors.

Moreover, it is possible to recycle the surplus of weapons plutonium, as well as plutonium and younger actinides (neptune, americium, Curi), extracted from exhaust fuel of ordinary thermal reactors (younger actinides are currently a very dangerous part of radioactive waste). At the same time, the number of radioactive waste compared with thermal reactors is reduced by more than twenty times.

Why, with all his advantages, the reactors on fast neutrons did not get widespread? First of all, this is due to the peculiarities of their design. As mentioned above, water cannot be used as a coolant, since it is a neutron retarder. Therefore, in rapid reactors, metals are mainly used in a liquid state - from exotic lead-bismuth alloys to liquid sodium (the most common option for nuclear power plants).

"In the fast neutron reactors, thermal and radiation loads are much higher than in thermal reactors," PM explains the chief engineer of the Beloyarsk NPP Mikhail Bakanov. - This leads to the need to use special structural materials for the casing of the reactor and intraactor systems. Fuel and TVs housings are not made of zirconium alloys, as in thermal reactors, and from special alloyed chromium steels, less susceptible to radiation "swelling". On the other hand, for example, the casing of the reactor is not subject to loads associated with internal pressure - it is only a little higher atmospheric. "

According to Mikhail Bakanov, in the early years of operation, the main difficulties were associated with radiation swelling and cracking of the fuel. These problems, however, were resolved soon, new materials were developed - both for fuel and for fuel hulls. But even now campaigns are limited not so much fuel burning (which the BN-600 reaches an indicator of 11%), how much the resource of materials from which fuel, fuel and TVs are manufactured. Further problems of operation were mainly associated with sodium leaks of the second circuit, a chemically active and fire-hazardous metal, a rapidly responding to contact with air and water: "The long-term operation of the operation of industrial energy reactors on fast neutrons is only Russia and France. And we, and French experts from the very beginning came across the same problems. We successfully solved them, from the very beginning there were providing special means of controlling the tightness of the contours, localization and suppression of sodium leaks. And the French project was less prepared for such troubles, as a result in 2009, the Phenix reactor was finally stopped. "

"Problems really were the same," adds the director of the Beloyarsk NPP Nikolay Okashov, "but we solved them in various ways in France. For example, when the head side of one of the assemblies were brought on Phenix to capture and unload it, French specialists developed a complex and fairly expensive 'vision system through a layer of sodium. And when the same problem arose with us, one of our engineers offered to use the camcorder placed in the simplest construction of the type of diving bell, the opening pipe with the argon under the bottom. When the sodium melt was displaced, the operators using video communications were able to bring the mechanism capture, and the bent assembly was successfully removed. "

The active zone of the reactor on fast neutrons is arranged like a bulb, layers

370 Fuel assemblies form three zones with different enrichment according to uranium-235 - 17, 21 and 26% (initially there were only two zones, but to align the energy release, made three). They are surrounded by side screens (blades), or reproduction zones, where assemblies containing depleted or natural uranium are located, consisting mainly from the isotope 238. In the ends of the feathers above and below the active zone are also located tablets from depleted uranium, which form end screens (zones reproduction).

The fuel assemblies (TVS) are assembled in one case a set of fuel elements (fuelists) - tubes made of special steel filled with pills from uranium oxide with various enrichment. In order for the two to be in contact with each other, and between them could circulate the coolant, pour a thin wire on the tubes. Sodium enters the TVS through the lower throttling holes and goes through the windows at the top.

In the lower part of the fuelalio, the shank is located in the collector's socket, in the top - the head part for which the assembly is captured during overload. Fuel assemblies of various enrichment have different seats, so it is simply impossible to set the assembly to the wrong place.

To control the reactor, 19 compensating rods containing boron (neutron absorber) are used to compensate for fuel burnout, 2 automatic control rod (to maintain a given power), as well as 6 rods of active protection. Since its own neutron background with uranium is small, "Illumination" is used for the controlled launch of the reactor (and management at low power levels) - photoneitron source (gamma emitter plus beryllium).

Power units with fast neutron reactors can significantly expand the fuel base of the atomic energy and minimize radioactive waste due to the organization of a closed nuclear fuel cycle. Such technologies have only some countries and the Russian Federation, according to experts, is the world leader in this area.

BN-800 reactor (from "fast sodium", electrical capacity of 880 megawatt) - a pilot-industrial reactor on fast neutrons with liquid-metal coolant, sodium. It should be a prototype of commercial, more powerful power units with BN-1200 reactors.


In the city of Zarechny. Beloyarsk NPP was originally designed as an experimental station. But as it turned out, the experiment was successful. BAEP is a powerful station that will expand in the near future.

The history of the creation of a Beloyarsk nuclear power plant

Beloyarsk NPP was first put into operation in 1964. It is built on the territory of the municipal object called the city of Zarechny, which is located 38 km from Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk region). Until recently, the city of Zarechnaya was considered a closed terrain.

For the needs of NPP, a Beloyarsk reservoir was artificially created. This cooler reservoir was formed from the River Pyshma River.

Beloyarsk NPP is located near the Sverdlovsk branch of the Research and Design Institute, which is engaged in experimental techniques.

Three power units are located on the territory of NPP - AMB-100, AMB-200 and BN-600. AMB type power units or "Mirny large atom" with a capacity of 100 MW was first launched in the power system in 1964. Power unit AMB with a capacity of 200 MW commissioned in 1967. Two first power plant reactors worked, respectively, 17 and 21 years and were disabled due to the inconsistency of safety rules.

The only reactor that works to this day is the BN-600 block. The documentation for this reactor was developed back in 1963, but it was introduced only in 1980.

Block "Fast neutrons"

BN reactor ("fast neutrons") is the experimental technology of the nuclear industry. In physics, such a reactor is also called the BRERE from the BRED's English word, which translates "to multiply". BN blocks are capable of producing plutonium.

BN-600 is the only ongoing industrial reactor worldwide. All similar models in many countries have been derived from exploitation long before the expiration of the deadline. This solution is associated with technical and economic reasons.

Principle of operation BN-600

A liquid metal coolant is used in the BN type reactor. Sodium is applied in the first and second circuit. The third contour of the reactor is steaming with intermediate overheating of sodium vapor.

The main feature of the work of the brothering reactor lies in its great performance. In the process of nuclear fission, rapid neutrons occurs at 20-27% more than the output of secondary neutrons than in thermal reactors.

4 power unit BAEP

On the territory of the Beloyarsk NPP, a new BN-800 reactor was built with a sodium heat carrier worth 135 billion rubles. The capacity of this power unit is 880 MW. Now preparatory work is underway to its launch, which was scheduled for 2014. But due to the problems of supplying fittings from Ukraine, the launch of the block was postponed by July 2015.

Project history

The project of the structure was laid by the Nuclear Energy Program of the Russian Federation for 1993-2005. The program defined the main strategies and objectives of the development of the country's energy complex and the improvement of existing NPPs. One of the strategies provided for creating and commissioning in the next decade 4 block of the Beloyarsk NPP.

The BN-800 project for BAES was developed back in 1983. Since then, he has been revised twice yet. For the first time in 1987, after an accident at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, and the second time - after the adoption of the new regulatory security documentation in 1993.

The project of the reactor passed all examinations and checks. In 1994, BN-800 held an independent examination of the Sverdlovsk Commission. The results of all inspections were positive. And in 1997, a license was issued a license of the Gosatomnadzor of the Russian Federation to install the reactor.

According to the project, the BN-800 reactor is allowed not only to use energy plutonium, but also to process armory plutonium. The block also makes it possible to dispose of the isotopes of actinides from the irradiated fuel of the fuel neutron reactors.

Features BN-800

BN-800 is considered a secure installation. It is equipped with an additional emergency protection system. It works on the basis of passive elements that are activated by increasing the temperature.

The reactor project also complies with all environmental requirements. Thus, the documentation provides for reducing the consumption of atmospheric oxygen and organic fuel, disposal of nuclear materials fission products and other radioactive waste.

In addition, the BN-800 power unit in the future will serve as a basis for checking new projects to improve productive indicators and improving security. The introduction of the block into operation is of great importance for the further development of the energy technologies of Russia.

BAEP in our time

Today Beloyarskaya - 2 NPPs in Russia after the Siberian and the only one in the country in the presence of different types of reactors on one territory.

The volume of electricity that the station produces is about 10% of the total Sverdlovsk Energy System.

Now only one reactor works, but at the end stage there is a construction BN-800. The government began to consider the possibility of building a 5th power unit with a capacity of 1200 MW.

The Beloyarsk NPP, the photo of which is shown below, has repeatedly won the annual competition and received the title of the best NPP of the Russian Federation.

Accidents and serious faults on the BAES

From 1964 to 1979, the destruction of the compounds of the active zone in the first power unit often occurred. And in 1978 the second power unit caught fire. The source of the fire was the slab overlap of the machine room, which fell on the turbogenerator oil. The fire damaged the control cable, so the reactor was out of control.

In 1987, an accident occurred at the BN-600 reactor. Due to the exceeding the value of the permissible temperature in the active zone, the tightness of the fuel elements was disturbed. As a result, there was a strong emission of radioactivity.

In 1992, due to the staff error, the room was flooded, in which the storage facilities of liquid radioactive waste were served. The water fell under the soil of the storage, and through the groundwater output system flowed into the water-cooler.

In the same year, a special expedition discovered large concentrations of radioactive substances in the BAEE area. After some studies and analyzes, it was decided to increase the sanitary protection zone of the power plant from 8 to 30 km.

In 1993, the Beloyarsk NPP did not work for some time. The exploitation of the station was interrupted due to the leakage of the coolant into the auxiliary system. Also at the NPP there was a slight fire.

The sunbathing of the station was in 1994, when the exhaust sodium aroused occurred during the repair. The fire lasted until the whole sodium came out.

In 1999, the support bearing was overheated, as a result of which he began to smoke. But on time, the emergency system and generators turned off automatically. Thus, it was possible to protect the turbine from fire.

In 2000, the Beloyarsk NPP was disabled due to the accident in the Sverdlovenergo system. Due to staff errors, the station remained without power supply. After a few seconds, the BN-600 reactor is auto power. Such a stop station was accompanied by steam stream. For 9 minutes, Beloyarsk NPP did not work. The accident was so dangerous that he could even end the disaster comparable to Chernobyl.

In 2007, lightning got into the portal of air lines. As a result, one power generator was disconnected.

In 2008, a malfunction was made in the control system of one of the circulation pumps. This led to a reduction in power by 30%. To eliminate disorders, the system automatically turned off the "loop" on which the coolant circulated.
